Arsip Kategori: DEBATE

Membahas teknik debat dalam bahasa Inggris. Materi-materi diambil dari banyak buku dan para ahli diantaranya, Simon Quinn, Marko Djuranovic, Jon Bruschke, Tracy Goodman serta banyak para ahli yang lain.


This chapter addresses the role the adjudicator plays in assessing the debate. The adjudicator adopts the role of the average reasonable person. The adjudicator has three functions: – to decide which team has won the debate; – to provide an … Baca lebih lanjut

Dipublikasi di BAHASA INGGRIS, DEBATE | Tag | Meninggalkan komentar


The topic of the debate is called the motion. Here are some motion examples, NATIONAL 1.           THBT Indonesia should have a compulsory  military service. 2.           THBT government doesn’t promote love for the mother land. 3.           THBT one-round presidential election is … Baca lebih lanjut

Dipublikasi di BAHASA INGGRIS, DEBATE | Meninggalkan komentar


Ladies and gentlemen:   Welcome to the debate contest. First, Let me introduce you the debaters. On my right is the affirmative team. …………… the first speaker. ………………is the second speaker, whereas the third speaker is………………… And the reply speech … Baca lebih lanjut

Dipublikasi di BAHASA INGGRIS, DEBATE | Meninggalkan komentar


1. Introduction Adjudication: inherently subjective – limited by some artificial constraints 6  Role: an average reasonable person – with expert knowledge of debating rules – without preconceived opinions on issues 6  Function: decide – justify – criticize – marks awarded … Baca lebih lanjut

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